Friday, December 7, 2012

Web 2.0

   We have learned many different Web 2.0 skills in this classroom and it has helped me to get a better understanding of technology and things that can help me in the classroom to get students more familiar with technology as well. Two of the types of technology's that we have used in this class that I have really enjoy are the blogger and the bookmarking. I like the blogger because it is a collection of everything that I have done throughout the semester and you can add all your work to it and keep yourself organized. I think this would be a great tool to use when doing a study or large project.  In the chapter that I read about Web 2.0 it even discussed that it can "offer new opportunities for learners to take more control of their learning and access their own customized information, resources, tools and services" (pg. 301 under Web 2.0 as an Educational Platform- Pedagogical Implications). This statement describes how I feel about the tools that we have used. I think that the blogger has been one that is most helpful to me and would be for my students.
   The other tool that I chose was the bookmarking tool that I used from the Delicious website. I liked this site because it was nice to keep track of the websites that I use on a daily basis. I think this would be a great tool to use for a bibliography of websites for students doing projects. They could keep all their information neatly together and it would be easy for the teachers and other students to see and review it. This could also be a site that children do at the beginning of the year, that way the teacher and students can see what their interests are and get to know them more. This fits in with a part of the book that said that Web 2.0 can "encourage a wider range of expressive capability" (pg. 301 under Web 2.0 as an Educational Platform- Pedagogical Implications). Also I like to always add that these tools are great for the students that need some other type of instruction to receive their learning. These are hands on approaches that they can explore and use, instead of just learning about them from reading articles and books on the subject!