Friday, September 7, 2012

Reflective Entry #1

     Technology has been a big part of my life since I can remember, but it hasn't always been the top gadgets that have gotten me through the years. I had an older computer when I was growing up and it made due to help me get school work done and get on the Internet. I enjoy technology but I have always been the type to write out a paper before I type it out just because I like to always have a hard copy, because you never know what can happen with computers and technology. I of course have a smart phone as most people do, and I use it for various things throughout the day, but it is also not a necessity.

    In the Reigeluth, Joseph reading it talked about the importance of technology to help our teaching. It also mention a lot about having various teaching styles for children and having them keep up and be responsible for their own learning. I agree with a lot that was said in this article. I think that is important for teachers to individualize for each student, and with various teaching styles like the ones listed in the principles for a learning-focused paradigm of education, this can happen. I like the fact that this article is pro technology but not only that, it is geared towards transforming our way of teaching to help students the best we can.

    The Postman article talked about the technology boost that is constantly happening in the world today. He talked about the improvements and the new technology that comes out to help people when they really don't even need help in the first place because the things they were using before worked just fine. I like reading about the part when he went to go get a new car and the dealer was telling him about the cruise control and automatic window features and he asked why the car needed them and what was wrong with the old way of doing things. I agree with his arguments that technology is not the answer to everything, it in some ways limits us and make us more lazy. Also in this article he talks about a big part of school being where children learn social skills and how to live in a group. Technology isn't always a top resource when teaching these items.

     There are things in both articles that I agree with and it makes me think about my own life and how technology helps or hurts me. There are great things about technology when it comes to finding resources and being able to learn about various subjects using multiple types of media. This also helps to individual students various teaching styles. Then there is also the negative part of technology, for example, texting and spell check on computers has caused the younger generation to often misspell words or not even know how they are spelled. I think that technology is a wonderful tool for students and teachers but I don't think it should be the answer for everything.

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