Thursday, October 4, 2012

Article Reflection on A History of Instructional Design and Technology

In this article there was a scenario about using wireless computers in the classroom and at home for a whole year. The question that was brought up was how does this project have very little effect on the instructional practices that teachers use.
   There are many reasons that this project would not work with instruction. One of the reasons that there is no effect on the instructional teaching practices is because that teachers think that there is no use for instructional purpose or they do not want to change their routines and schedules, especially teachers that have been set in their ways for years. They can get the supplies and think of some short, quick ways to use them, but when it comes to teaching the core subjects, they tend to fall back to their old habits. Another reason is that teachers do not have the training in computers, yes most people know how to use a word document and a variety of other items, but do they really know the tricks and gadgets that can help students? I am one that doesn't, I never knew about half the things that we have been doing in this class, so there is no way for me to teach children about them. It also depends on how much training a person gets, if you teach them one thing one day, chances are they are not going to use it because they do not feel comfortable. The third reason that this project had very little effect on teaching instruction is because teachers only used them for certain things. In the book it described that in elementary computers were used for drills and practice and in later grades they were used for teaching computer skills like word processing. Teachers again are stuck in certain ruts and do not have the tools or knowledge to go beyond the basic with technology.
     I think some factors that could help to contribute to the project to make it more effective is teacher, staff and student training. This is something that could benefit all school employees, so everyone is on the same page. Teach a new product or media and then let people explore it and play with it, like we do in this class. I know that I can learn so much better by doing rather then studying or listening about something. There are so many resources available out there and some students will benefit because they need a variety and choices when learning to find their understanding. The other factor that would help to contribute to the project is showing teachers the benefits of using the computers. This goes along with the choices thing I mentioned above. Computers could benefit so many children with various learning styles. They could help them to show their learning and gain their learning better then school issued supplies like textbooks. I think that teachers and students would have more fun, gain more knowledge and be better learners with the help of computers, if they were trained and comfortable with the use of them!

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