Thursday, October 18, 2012

Pod Casts and Human Performance Improvement

After reading the article there were some things that I thought that would be helpful. I liked the idea about how the HPI talked about being organized and having requirements that are strict and to the point (discussed in the stimulus part of Gilbert's Behavior Model). This is important because in order to run a successful classroom and for children to know what to do and to get good grades, they  need to know what is expected of them. I think in order to be successful it is important to know what is expected of you, and this is something that I try to do with my preschoolers. Another thing that I try to do, but need to do more of that is talked about in the stimulus section is feedback. I am constantly giving high fives and verbal praise to my students when they do something that is showing their knowledge of the expectations. Even thought this is something I work on, it is something that I can always improve on.
The podcast that I chose to highlight was the educational section of the website This website is National Public Radio, it has podcast and topics that are current in the world. I looked under the educational section and found a podcast that talked about No Child Left Behind, giving funding or cutting funding to failing schools, using smart phones in class and so much more. I think that this website is helpful for teachers to see what is going on in the world and to hear from different people discussing their opinions on the matters. Whats nice about this site is that there are multiple other topics for you to see, hear and look at!
I think that pod casts could be something fun and educational for children in upper elementary, middle and high school grades. It gives them a chance to express their opinions and to present information that they have studied and learned about. Another thing that I think would be cool is to have a podcast that is represented by students that is presented to the school. They can use this to talk about certain subjects like bullying, drug and alcohol abuse, upcoming events, news events and other subjects. It could be a weekly thing for the students to listen to at the end of the day. I think this would be a great thing to incorporate, especially in a middle or high school setting!

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