Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Business and Industry Readings

  After reading the Business and Industry readings I found some things that could be helpful in classrooms. I took the skills as things that I could do in a future classroom of older children. One of the things that the article talked about was about designing instruction for a cross-cultural workforce. This part of the article talked about making various word choices and to have illustrations that convey different meanings for various cultures. I think that this would be helpful in a class setting that has many English language learners. They can use it to help them do homework and classwork. It would give them a chance to make comparisons with things from their culture and things with the culture that they are currently living in. It would also make things more understandable if they are learning new things. Another thing about designing instruction for a cross-cultural workforce is that it would give students an idea about various cultures. For instance say that you were learning about the Mexican culture in a Spanish class, this type of program could help students to view things that are common in that culture, they could make comparisons as well between the two cultures. It would also give students a first hand look into some of the culture.
   As I was reading more into the chapter I read about technology based training. I thought that this would be a good tool for students who are absent often due to an illness or injury. This would let them view lectures, practice classwork, do homework and get feed back from the teacher. Another thing that this could be used for is homework or teacher/parent communication. This could be a site that parents went on to see what their child has been up to in the classroom. They could see some of the skills their child has been learning and practice them with their child. I think this would be a great tool to get parents involved in their children's education.
   This article gave me some great ideas on things that I could use in the classroom or to keep in constant communication with my families!

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