Thursday, November 1, 2012

Ch. 21 Instructional Designers and P-12 Technology Integration

   I read the article about instructional design in the schools and during the reading it talked about how the technology that was used changed student and teacher behaviors. One thing that I read in this part of the article talked about how even though teachers are implementing this in their lessons and classroom it was having small or no impact on the students learning. The thought of this was surprising in some sense but also hit home, not so much for me but for things I have seen. Some of the reasons that the authors of this book thing that this occurred is because, students used computers for high-order use as well as low-level tasks. This caused a mixed approach which was thought to have impacted the students approaches.
   Another thing that they found was that teachers only used the technology because they had to, based on money given from educational technology grants. This means that they didn't put forth the effort towards it and only did it because they we expected to. Lack of teacher training is another issue that comes about. I think this especially falls for teachers that have been in the school system for years and are now getting trained on using items that they are not familiar with. This can cause the use of the technology to be ineffective. The last part that they mentioned in this part of the article, that can cause low impact on education is, that the assessments is used for low level learning. It doesn't work towards the high level learning activities, which in a lot of ways is something that you would want to work for. I would want my students to be challenged and taught higher level learning activities.
   These issues are something that I never really considered. However, I have seen some of these issues. I think that teachers with no background and that have no experience with technology can have an issue with not enough training, I have seen this happen, I have even had it happen with me in this class. I have not been familiar with some of this technology, but I am glad that I have had to do these activities, instead of just being trained on them. These issues are something that everyone should be aware of and think about when they are using technology in the classroom.

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