Thursday, November 8, 2012

Chapter 18 Reflection

    One of the common themes that I have seen or have been hinted at is cross cultural integration. I think that it is important for business and education to take into consideration the vast variety of cultures that make up the United States as well as other countries. This is a concept that talks about integrating cultural values and language into the technology that is used in the businesses and schools. It helps people of various cultures feel more comfortable and to be able to do their job better and faster. It is also important to remember how it would be like if you were in a different country, and how much better you would feel if you had these resources when you were in a different country.
    Another aspect that I thought was a common item in these three articles was the interactive technology. The various types like the cultural programs and prototyping are things that help to make peoples work more easier. The cultural aspect of having the computer programs to help people from various cultures do their work is important. The other item that I mentioned was prototyping, this is a program that can give you a working model or rough draft of a final project of the model. This is a great program to help workers and students get things done faster and reach milestones quicker by seeing and knowing what the end project is going to be.
    Somethings that I think could be used in my work environment is to have more cross cultural items available. I know the Internet is a great resource for students and workers but I have never known programs to be available or where I can learn where these items are at. I know that in my preschool classroom we have some technology for children who speak Spanish. We have a preschool computer program that they are able to play and we also have leap frogs that have Spanish books, but that is it for technology, and I don't really know what is available otherwise. This also deals with the interactive technology, schools just don't have the money to buy multiple technology tools. This is one problem that is common, and needs to be addressed so that these options can be available more often.

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