Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Free Website Reviews

    The first site that I looked at was FotoFlexer, this was a sight were you could up load photos and add things to them or change them. Some of the features that you could use when playing with this tool was change the effect, decorate it, add animations, beautify it, distort it, geek it up and add layers. There is a ton of different options underneath these sections for you to try out and pick. I played around with adding stickers to a picture of a sheep, giving it glasses, a hat and a scarf. I also changed the colors of a picture of a bridge and added some animated text and pictures to it. This is a tool that I think teacher's can use to teach their students how to add and change pictures, it would be really great for a photography class! I think this would be a fun tool to use when it came to creating projects. I think this would have been a really fun thing to have when doing my senior portfolio, I could have done more with the pictures I used. On the other hand if a teacher was making a PowerPoint or wanted to add some unique pictures to a classroom website this would be a fun tool to use. This tool is a highly related to the Instagram that many people use on their cell phones or Facebook, so that is one reason it would be a great tool, because so many people are related to it.
    The other tool that I observed was the Zoho account, which I found very confusing. I felt that this site was gear more toward people that run their own business or higher end people from a corporation or business. There were areas where I could add leads, contacts, accounts and many other items. I looked into these things but in order to use them, you have to have information like that to add to them, so I didn't add anything. It seems like a helpful tool and I would recommend it to people who are in the business field, but unless a teacher is involved with some financial part of the school, I would think this site would be unnecessary. However, this tool would be great for high school teachers who teach business classes or even some type of math class. For a preschool teacher, I see no reason to use this unless it was for a personal use.

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