Friday, November 30, 2012

E-Learning and InstructionalDesign

After reading the chapter on the e-learning I came across a couple of passages that really hit with me. One of the passages was from the Technics vs. Trucks section it said "The logical assumption is that learning is "delivered" to learners (the method) and that the delivery vehicle itself (the medium) is not particularly important." I do not agree with this statement at all, and in the book it discussed how the medium or the vehicle in which we teach the method is just as important and the road that leads us to the knowledge of the method. So in other words Clarks doesn't agree with the statement either. I think in order for children to learn I have to be familiar with their learning habits. In my classroom some students learn with just the verbal explanation and then I have students who need me to model or to practice themselves before they understand the concept. It is also the same way with  materials, for a student to learn about the life cycle of an ant a book maybe helpful, for others they may need a video and to go even more into it some might need an interactive computer game. I think that it is important to know that the delivery is just as important as the information when teaching.
The other passage that I read that I liked was "Without question, incidental learning on the Internet is a rich area for systematic exploration and research by university faculty, corporate R&D groups and graduate students", from the Analysis of Learning Outcomes section. I think that this statement should be expanded to anyone. I think that the Internet can help with so much learning! The Internet is a tool that is used, by most people, everyday, and it is a constant source of information. It is nice to be able to explore things that I didn't know were out there and available, by taking this class. By taking this class as a graduate student, I have many tools that I have explored on the Internet and are aware of now, that I can use in my classroom now, even with preschoolers and especially some day when I get my own public school classroom. The information that I find when completing my projects are so helpful, that I even tell other people about. So I defiantly think that the Internet is great for exploration and research for the groups listed in the statement and also many others.

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