Friday, December 7, 2012

Web 2.0

   We have learned many different Web 2.0 skills in this classroom and it has helped me to get a better understanding of technology and things that can help me in the classroom to get students more familiar with technology as well. Two of the types of technology's that we have used in this class that I have really enjoy are the blogger and the bookmarking. I like the blogger because it is a collection of everything that I have done throughout the semester and you can add all your work to it and keep yourself organized. I think this would be a great tool to use when doing a study or large project.  In the chapter that I read about Web 2.0 it even discussed that it can "offer new opportunities for learners to take more control of their learning and access their own customized information, resources, tools and services" (pg. 301 under Web 2.0 as an Educational Platform- Pedagogical Implications). This statement describes how I feel about the tools that we have used. I think that the blogger has been one that is most helpful to me and would be for my students.
   The other tool that I chose was the bookmarking tool that I used from the Delicious website. I liked this site because it was nice to keep track of the websites that I use on a daily basis. I think this would be a great tool to use for a bibliography of websites for students doing projects. They could keep all their information neatly together and it would be easy for the teachers and other students to see and review it. This could also be a site that children do at the beginning of the year, that way the teacher and students can see what their interests are and get to know them more. This fits in with a part of the book that said that Web 2.0 can "encourage a wider range of expressive capability" (pg. 301 under Web 2.0 as an Educational Platform- Pedagogical Implications). Also I like to always add that these tools are great for the students that need some other type of instruction to receive their learning. These are hands on approaches that they can explore and use, instead of just learning about them from reading articles and books on the subject!

Friday, November 30, 2012

E-Learning and InstructionalDesign

After reading the chapter on the e-learning I came across a couple of passages that really hit with me. One of the passages was from the Technics vs. Trucks section it said "The logical assumption is that learning is "delivered" to learners (the method) and that the delivery vehicle itself (the medium) is not particularly important." I do not agree with this statement at all, and in the book it discussed how the medium or the vehicle in which we teach the method is just as important and the road that leads us to the knowledge of the method. So in other words Clarks doesn't agree with the statement either. I think in order for children to learn I have to be familiar with their learning habits. In my classroom some students learn with just the verbal explanation and then I have students who need me to model or to practice themselves before they understand the concept. It is also the same way with  materials, for a student to learn about the life cycle of an ant a book maybe helpful, for others they may need a video and to go even more into it some might need an interactive computer game. I think that it is important to know that the delivery is just as important as the information when teaching.
The other passage that I read that I liked was "Without question, incidental learning on the Internet is a rich area for systematic exploration and research by university faculty, corporate R&D groups and graduate students", from the Analysis of Learning Outcomes section. I think that this statement should be expanded to anyone. I think that the Internet can help with so much learning! The Internet is a tool that is used, by most people, everyday, and it is a constant source of information. It is nice to be able to explore things that I didn't know were out there and available, by taking this class. By taking this class as a graduate student, I have many tools that I have explored on the Internet and are aware of now, that I can use in my classroom now, even with preschoolers and especially some day when I get my own public school classroom. The information that I find when completing my projects are so helpful, that I even tell other people about. So I defiantly think that the Internet is great for exploration and research for the groups listed in the statement and also many others.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Free Website Reviews

    The first site that I looked at was FotoFlexer, this was a sight were you could up load photos and add things to them or change them. Some of the features that you could use when playing with this tool was change the effect, decorate it, add animations, beautify it, distort it, geek it up and add layers. There is a ton of different options underneath these sections for you to try out and pick. I played around with adding stickers to a picture of a sheep, giving it glasses, a hat and a scarf. I also changed the colors of a picture of a bridge and added some animated text and pictures to it. This is a tool that I think teacher's can use to teach their students how to add and change pictures, it would be really great for a photography class! I think this would be a fun tool to use when it came to creating projects. I think this would have been a really fun thing to have when doing my senior portfolio, I could have done more with the pictures I used. On the other hand if a teacher was making a PowerPoint or wanted to add some unique pictures to a classroom website this would be a fun tool to use. This tool is a highly related to the Instagram that many people use on their cell phones or Facebook, so that is one reason it would be a great tool, because so many people are related to it.
    The other tool that I observed was the Zoho account, which I found very confusing. I felt that this site was gear more toward people that run their own business or higher end people from a corporation or business. There were areas where I could add leads, contacts, accounts and many other items. I looked into these things but in order to use them, you have to have information like that to add to them, so I didn't add anything. It seems like a helpful tool and I would recommend it to people who are in the business field, but unless a teacher is involved with some financial part of the school, I would think this site would be unnecessary. However, this tool would be great for high school teachers who teach business classes or even some type of math class. For a preschool teacher, I see no reason to use this unless it was for a personal use.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Getting an Instructional Design Position Reading

    In the chapter Getting an Instructional Design Position: Lessons from a Personal History, I found some lessons that I found interesting and that I have done in small amounts but need to focus on more. One of the lessons that the author talked about was to become more active in professional organizations. I have been involved in some organizations but not to the extent that he talks about. I have done my fair share of volunteering, but there is instances where it has only been a couple of times and then I don't do it anymore. I think this is something that I need to do more often to get more experiences and to help in future careers. There are things that I volunteer to do for my work, when they come about, but there are things that I can be doing in my community and in surrounding communities to help the schools, which in turn might help me to get a job in a public school one day!
    Another lesson that I saw in this chapter that connected with me was about revising a job that doesn't fit or apply for jobs that interested me, even if you don't have the exact qualifications. This does apply for me because when I first got my job I was a preschool home base teacher, which meant I had to go to children's homes and work with the parents and young children ages 2-3. I got my degree in elementary education, with an early childhood minor, so it did apply to my job, but it wasn't something I was qualified for. Getting the job was a great start and foot in the door to where I am now, a preschool center based teacher for preschoolers, ages 3-5. I would like to have a teaching job in the elementary school, so what I need to do is to apply, apply, apply, to get myself out there and to participate in things so that I can get that job I desire!
    This chapter gave some really good tips, that you know about but often forget to do. I like the part also about how he says you will not get the first job or second cause a lot of people, me included, get discouraged if they do not recieve the jobs they applied for. This is a good chapter for people to read, because it puts things in perspective.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Snow Website

Here is a link to my website. I set up my website to have students and families use to connect what we are learning in the classroom to home. This website gives vocabulary words, fun facts and ideas of things to do at home!

HS Kids Explore

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Chapter 18 Reflection

    One of the common themes that I have seen or have been hinted at is cross cultural integration. I think that it is important for business and education to take into consideration the vast variety of cultures that make up the United States as well as other countries. This is a concept that talks about integrating cultural values and language into the technology that is used in the businesses and schools. It helps people of various cultures feel more comfortable and to be able to do their job better and faster. It is also important to remember how it would be like if you were in a different country, and how much better you would feel if you had these resources when you were in a different country.
    Another aspect that I thought was a common item in these three articles was the interactive technology. The various types like the cultural programs and prototyping are things that help to make peoples work more easier. The cultural aspect of having the computer programs to help people from various cultures do their work is important. The other item that I mentioned was prototyping, this is a program that can give you a working model or rough draft of a final project of the model. This is a great program to help workers and students get things done faster and reach milestones quicker by seeing and knowing what the end project is going to be.
    Somethings that I think could be used in my work environment is to have more cross cultural items available. I know the Internet is a great resource for students and workers but I have never known programs to be available or where I can learn where these items are at. I know that in my preschool classroom we have some technology for children who speak Spanish. We have a preschool computer program that they are able to play and we also have leap frogs that have Spanish books, but that is it for technology, and I don't really know what is available otherwise. This also deals with the interactive technology, schools just don't have the money to buy multiple technology tools. This is one problem that is common, and needs to be addressed so that these options can be available more often.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Tree Concept Map

This is a concept map that I have create based on what a child would make when learning about trees. Trees is a unit that my preschool class has been studying so I thought I would use the things we have been learning to make the concept map. Many of these items are things that students in my class have brainstormed when talking about what animals live in trees, what are the parts of a tree and what can we get from trees. There are a few added items, as they have now learned them after reviewing the topics, so I added them to make the map more complete.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Ch. 21 Instructional Designers and P-12 Technology Integration

   I read the article about instructional design in the schools and during the reading it talked about how the technology that was used changed student and teacher behaviors. One thing that I read in this part of the article talked about how even though teachers are implementing this in their lessons and classroom it was having small or no impact on the students learning. The thought of this was surprising in some sense but also hit home, not so much for me but for things I have seen. Some of the reasons that the authors of this book thing that this occurred is because, students used computers for high-order use as well as low-level tasks. This caused a mixed approach which was thought to have impacted the students approaches.
   Another thing that they found was that teachers only used the technology because they had to, based on money given from educational technology grants. This means that they didn't put forth the effort towards it and only did it because they we expected to. Lack of teacher training is another issue that comes about. I think this especially falls for teachers that have been in the school system for years and are now getting trained on using items that they are not familiar with. This can cause the use of the technology to be ineffective. The last part that they mentioned in this part of the article, that can cause low impact on education is, that the assessments is used for low level learning. It doesn't work towards the high level learning activities, which in a lot of ways is something that you would want to work for. I would want my students to be challenged and taught higher level learning activities.
   These issues are something that I never really considered. However, I have seen some of these issues. I think that teachers with no background and that have no experience with technology can have an issue with not enough training, I have seen this happen, I have even had it happen with me in this class. I have not been familiar with some of this technology, but I am glad that I have had to do these activities, instead of just being trained on them. These issues are something that everyone should be aware of and think about when they are using technology in the classroom.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Business and Industry Readings

  After reading the Business and Industry readings I found some things that could be helpful in classrooms. I took the skills as things that I could do in a future classroom of older children. One of the things that the article talked about was about designing instruction for a cross-cultural workforce. This part of the article talked about making various word choices and to have illustrations that convey different meanings for various cultures. I think that this would be helpful in a class setting that has many English language learners. They can use it to help them do homework and classwork. It would give them a chance to make comparisons with things from their culture and things with the culture that they are currently living in. It would also make things more understandable if they are learning new things. Another thing about designing instruction for a cross-cultural workforce is that it would give students an idea about various cultures. For instance say that you were learning about the Mexican culture in a Spanish class, this type of program could help students to view things that are common in that culture, they could make comparisons as well between the two cultures. It would also give students a first hand look into some of the culture.
   As I was reading more into the chapter I read about technology based training. I thought that this would be a good tool for students who are absent often due to an illness or injury. This would let them view lectures, practice classwork, do homework and get feed back from the teacher. Another thing that this could be used for is homework or teacher/parent communication. This could be a site that parents went on to see what their child has been up to in the classroom. They could see some of the skills their child has been learning and practice them with their child. I think this would be a great tool to get parents involved in their children's education.
   This article gave me some great ideas on things that I could use in the classroom or to keep in constant communication with my families!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Gobles Google Map

View Gobles Businesses in a larger map

Google Map Lesson Plans

For my lesson plan I decided to use something that I have done in the past, and to use the new tool of Google Maps to make it better. Something that I always study with my children are the local business around the school I teach. Most of my students are from the area and visit these businesses frequently. I made markers on the map of the various businesses in the area that we talk and learn about. In the description I discussed what those places are used for.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Pod Casts and Human Performance Improvement

After reading the article there were some things that I thought that would be helpful. I liked the idea about how the HPI talked about being organized and having requirements that are strict and to the point (discussed in the stimulus part of Gilbert's Behavior Model). This is important because in order to run a successful classroom and for children to know what to do and to get good grades, they  need to know what is expected of them. I think in order to be successful it is important to know what is expected of you, and this is something that I try to do with my preschoolers. Another thing that I try to do, but need to do more of that is talked about in the stimulus section is feedback. I am constantly giving high fives and verbal praise to my students when they do something that is showing their knowledge of the expectations. Even thought this is something I work on, it is something that I can always improve on.
The podcast that I chose to highlight was the educational section of the website This website is National Public Radio, it has podcast and topics that are current in the world. I looked under the educational section and found a podcast that talked about No Child Left Behind, giving funding or cutting funding to failing schools, using smart phones in class and so much more. I think that this website is helpful for teachers to see what is going on in the world and to hear from different people discussing their opinions on the matters. Whats nice about this site is that there are multiple other topics for you to see, hear and look at!
I think that pod casts could be something fun and educational for children in upper elementary, middle and high school grades. It gives them a chance to express their opinions and to present information that they have studied and learned about. Another thing that I think would be cool is to have a podcast that is represented by students that is presented to the school. They can use this to talk about certain subjects like bullying, drug and alcohol abuse, upcoming events, news events and other subjects. It could be a weekly thing for the students to listen to at the end of the day. I think this would be a great thing to incorporate, especially in a middle or high school setting!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Educational Blog

This website will take you to the National Public Radio website under the education heading. These pod casts talk about current events in the educational field. It also talks about the hot topics and controversial items that come up in the world of education. This website also lets you listen to pod casts from other subjects that may interest you!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Teaching Learning Theories

    In the chapter about foundations for instructional design it talked about many different theories that are found. In the explanation of the theories it talked about what the state consist of and what tools are best to help learning in that state. In the question at the end of the chapter it asked how would you teach learners how to calculate and compare items that are of various sizes and brands of the same product. In order to figure out the question that I was having to ask my students I had to think of a product that I could use so I knew how to answer the question of describing how I would teach it. So I chose to use pop as my product. Students would focus on Coke products, Pepsi products and store brand products in the sizes of 12 oz., 20 oz. and a 2 liter size.
    For the cognitive information processing theory it mentioned that children need to learn and use attention, encoding and retrieval. I would have products in each size and from the three different brands as a visual so students could see them and know what we were talking about. I would not tell them the name brands or the sizes of the items. I would then have children get into groups with a partner and talk about what they already know about each of the bottles (sizes, brands, where they have seen them, have they tried them etc.). Also I would have them compare and group up bottles with similar sizes so that they can see the similarities and differences. I would then have the class come back as a whole group and make a chart about what we already know about the bottles and brands based on their small group discussions. I would also give feedback of items that they didn't mention or to correct a response about the sizes and ounces amount. I would have children think about math skills that we have used in the past and that we have learned and have them get into their small groups again to think how can we figure out the price per ounce of a 12 oz. bottle of coke that cost $1.50 at the store. After they brainstormed the ideas I would then meet whole group again and we would try them out and see which ones worked and which didn't.
    Another theory that I read about was the Schema Theory and Cognitive Load. In this part of the article it talked about how these learners need work examples,partial work problems and diagrams. If I were teaching students using this type of theory I would do a whole group brainstorming event. I would give the class the category of pop and ask them to name all the brands that they can think of and the sizes. Then we would limit it down to three sizes and three brands. I would then tell the students that we need to figure out how we would find the price per ounce for each brand and size. I would show the children work examples of how to complete the process and I would work through one in front of the whole class so they could see the results. I would then have children get back into their small groups to work on some problems. I would give each group a paper that has partial problems on it and they can work together to finish them. After they were finished we would come back together and go through the problems as a whole group to find the answers. I would then graph the results on a bar graph so the students are able to see the differences and similarities.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Article Reflection on A History of Instructional Design and Technology

In this article there was a scenario about using wireless computers in the classroom and at home for a whole year. The question that was brought up was how does this project have very little effect on the instructional practices that teachers use.
   There are many reasons that this project would not work with instruction. One of the reasons that there is no effect on the instructional teaching practices is because that teachers think that there is no use for instructional purpose or they do not want to change their routines and schedules, especially teachers that have been set in their ways for years. They can get the supplies and think of some short, quick ways to use them, but when it comes to teaching the core subjects, they tend to fall back to their old habits. Another reason is that teachers do not have the training in computers, yes most people know how to use a word document and a variety of other items, but do they really know the tricks and gadgets that can help students? I am one that doesn't, I never knew about half the things that we have been doing in this class, so there is no way for me to teach children about them. It also depends on how much training a person gets, if you teach them one thing one day, chances are they are not going to use it because they do not feel comfortable. The third reason that this project had very little effect on teaching instruction is because teachers only used them for certain things. In the book it described that in elementary computers were used for drills and practice and in later grades they were used for teaching computer skills like word processing. Teachers again are stuck in certain ruts and do not have the tools or knowledge to go beyond the basic with technology.
     I think some factors that could help to contribute to the project to make it more effective is teacher, staff and student training. This is something that could benefit all school employees, so everyone is on the same page. Teach a new product or media and then let people explore it and play with it, like we do in this class. I know that I can learn so much better by doing rather then studying or listening about something. There are so many resources available out there and some students will benefit because they need a variety and choices when learning to find their understanding. The other factor that would help to contribute to the project is showing teachers the benefits of using the computers. This goes along with the choices thing I mentioned above. Computers could benefit so many children with various learning styles. They could help them to show their learning and gain their learning better then school issued supplies like textbooks. I think that teachers and students would have more fun, gain more knowledge and be better learners with the help of computers, if they were trained and comfortable with the use of them!
My flikr photo sharing account

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

    This week we worked on social bookmarking. This site was used to link various pages that I have interest in onto a page for other people to see. It also gave me information about other followers of that page, so I can see people that are interested in the web pages and topics I am. I also like that I can tag information about that page so it makes it easier to know what pages I want to go to under certain topics.
    I think that social bookmarking can be helpful for teachers in students in many areas. One thing that I thought would be a good beginning of the year project, is to have each student create one and add websites that they use or are interested in. This can help students get to know more about their classmates as well as their teacher. It can be a kind of icebreaker to find people in the class with common interests. Another thing that I think this site would be helpful for is when doing group projects. Children can team up and then post websites to their bookmark about the subject their are doing their project on, this gives their other classmates a chance to look at what they have found. Another great idea is to have teachers share with other teachers. I know that on my page I have a website to a behavioral assistance program that we use at my preschool, some teachers may not be familiar with it so they could look at my page and then go to the site to learn more. I know that I am constantly looking for new sites for lesson plan ideas and other information to help me in my classroom. If I had access to other teachers bookmarks then it would be nice to see what they like and they use! There are so different things that this can be used for.
    After reading the Back to Trends and Issues, I noticed how the definitions changed over the years. I agree with the newer versions of the definition, I think that they incorporate more things into them then just talking about teaching and media. I find mostly when I, and many other people think about instructional technology, we think about the media types that are used and not so much the processes of teaching, learning, using, evaluating and all the other things that you can do with the media. In my teaching, of a future job, with older children, I would like to teach about the various types of items that are out there for students. I also want my students to use these items, like we are in the classroom, most of the things we have done so far, I haven't even heard off, let alone tried. I think it would benefit children more to do things first hand rather than just sit and learn about them.
    I noticed when reading the earlier definitions, they were short and missing information. However once I got to the definition that the authors of the book came up with, I don't think there was anything missing, it was a pretty long, descriptive description that touched base with many aspects of technology, design and instruction. I think that this book did a great job telling the coming about of the Instructional Design and Technology.

Monday, September 24, 2012

I have been working on socialbookmarking and have set up an account at, check out my link:

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Article Reflection # 3 about the wiki

Before setting up a wiki page I was able to view videos and got definitions of what a wiki was, because before doing this assignment I didn't know anything about it. I would not be able to do this with my class, because I teach preschool but if I had a class with older children, this would be a fun tool to use. I would be able to have so much information on the pages for my students to use. There are spots for syllabus', course outlines, assignments, agendas and sidebars for easy access to the areas of the page.
One thing I would use this for is for a class project or presentation. Children could pick a subject to make a wiki about. I could put a syllabus with the outline of the project and goals and I could make an outline of what I want the project to look like. I also could make an agenda so that children have the due dates to turn items in. This would be helpful for children to create their projects on the open pages, and still have all the information they need in the same area. This is also electronic so you do not have to worry about paper copies and things being lost.
I could use wiki in my life to help keep myself organized. Help especially with school functions like we are using now, if we didn't have elearning this could be an option for an online class.
I did not have any trouble setting up the wiki, the only thing I had trouble with was making sure the right information was put onto my wiki. I need to keep in my this item to help me in the future!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Article Reflection #2 RSS and Dale and Siegel Readings

            My first assignment for this class was to create a personal blog. This is something that I had no idea where to start and what it even was. The directions that were given to me to click on blogger and go from there was really helpful. The directions walked me through step by step and I was able to create the blog and now I have even figured out how to make it more personal with font and color changes. I think the blog was easy and nice to use. The next assignment I was given was to set up a RSS, of course I went to Wikipedia and looked up what it was, and that didn't even make me feel more comfortable. Setting up the RSS was easy it was almost like it was already sent up when I got on to the Google page. The most difficult part was subscribing to all my classmates blogs. I would get some that would work and others that didn't, I did it three different ways before I was able to finally get everyone. This is the time that I wish I was face to face with someone who knew how to do this, that way I could have them help me. But I got it completed and am relieved that it is done!
             When it come to the article by Dale and how the blogger and RSS fit it I think that there are some various areas. The blogger fits in to the visual symbols section and the still pictures, realistic drawings, radio and recordings section. Under the visual symbols section it describes representations such as graphs, diagrams, representations and so on. I think that the blogs are able to lend to this section because there are so many options of things that can be added to your blog. I have seen other people, just in our class, add pictures. I am sure that people that are more skilled in the blogs also add various other items. The still pictures, realistic drawings and so on section it describes that various types of media that people can get information from a blog can be pulled up on some of the technology described by Dale. Also the information can be used by groups or one person.
              The RSS falls under the still pictures and visual symbols as well. The reader is able to give people specific information about topics that they are interested in. These topics can come from various types of media like photos, writings, video clips, websites and more. All of the medias that I named can be brought to a person through their RSS, or they can get links and other resources from reading the information from their RSS.
               Siegel talks about computer imagination in his article. I think that the one thing that blogger can do in reference to this article is individualize. The blogger is an area where students can get on their computers and enter their homework and personalize the website to fit them. This gives them the freedom to give their opinions like we do for our class. It also gives students the opportunity to keep things organized and not have to worry about losing papers and turning in hard copies. The thing about RSS that relates to this article is that it gives children the freedom to connect with other student's blogs and to connect with various other blogs that have topics that are interesting to them. This would make reading articles more interesting for them, if they can find their own. I chose to subscribe to multiple early childhood blogs because I teach preschool and now I can get information from them, as well as my classmates, and not have to weed through various other "junk" that I don't really care about!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Reflective Entry #1

     Technology has been a big part of my life since I can remember, but it hasn't always been the top gadgets that have gotten me through the years. I had an older computer when I was growing up and it made due to help me get school work done and get on the Internet. I enjoy technology but I have always been the type to write out a paper before I type it out just because I like to always have a hard copy, because you never know what can happen with computers and technology. I of course have a smart phone as most people do, and I use it for various things throughout the day, but it is also not a necessity.

    In the Reigeluth, Joseph reading it talked about the importance of technology to help our teaching. It also mention a lot about having various teaching styles for children and having them keep up and be responsible for their own learning. I agree with a lot that was said in this article. I think that is important for teachers to individualize for each student, and with various teaching styles like the ones listed in the principles for a learning-focused paradigm of education, this can happen. I like the fact that this article is pro technology but not only that, it is geared towards transforming our way of teaching to help students the best we can.

    The Postman article talked about the technology boost that is constantly happening in the world today. He talked about the improvements and the new technology that comes out to help people when they really don't even need help in the first place because the things they were using before worked just fine. I like reading about the part when he went to go get a new car and the dealer was telling him about the cruise control and automatic window features and he asked why the car needed them and what was wrong with the old way of doing things. I agree with his arguments that technology is not the answer to everything, it in some ways limits us and make us more lazy. Also in this article he talks about a big part of school being where children learn social skills and how to live in a group. Technology isn't always a top resource when teaching these items.

     There are things in both articles that I agree with and it makes me think about my own life and how technology helps or hurts me. There are great things about technology when it comes to finding resources and being able to learn about various subjects using multiple types of media. This also helps to individual students various teaching styles. Then there is also the negative part of technology, for example, texting and spell check on computers has caused the younger generation to often misspell words or not even know how they are spelled. I think that technology is a wonderful tool for students and teachers but I don't think it should be the answer for everything.